Thursday, April 2, 2015

Finally got some decent pictures!!

I have been struggling since the beginning of my Etsy Shop in February with my camera.  I've loved this thing since the day we bought it and thought I was getting pretty good at messing around with manual (thought I was hot stuff!).  That was until I started trying to take decent pics of my scarves for the shop.  Boy was I wrong!!  I put a call out to my Facebook buddies to help me out, got some great pointers, but still couldn't get it quite right.  Put the camera away (so I wouldn't toss it though the window if we're being honest), and said forget it and decided to use pics from my iPhone.

Well today I got bit by the bug again.  I crocheted five new scarves on vacation in MD and I am dying to get them listed.  The sun was out so I decided to find a pretty spot in my tiny backyard to take some pics... SUCCESS!  I know you aren't really supposed to use direct sunlight, but there was some cloud cover which made the first half of the pics come out great!  The second half have some shadows, but I am still really really happy with the outcome.

Here's one of my favorites of the day:

And of course, I had a photog assistant (Miss K) by the time my camera battery died.  Isn't she so cute?!  Growing like a weed, that one!

Well I'm off to go list some of my newest creations and update older listings with way better pics.  Hopefully business picks up soon.  I know it's getting warm down here, so scarves are a hard sell, but I just love making them so much!!

Virginia - Sunny Florida Mommy

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I'm Back & Better Than Ever!

Hey There Friends!

Long time no see!  I'm back on the blog after 3 long, exciting years.  It's not that I didn't have anything to say, I just didn't have the chance to share it.  Now I'm back, I've got an extra kiddo (M) running around, more responsibilities, and even less time than before.... but I have started something really exciting that I just have to share.... My new ETSY shop!!  Y'all know how much I love to craft, well I'm turning it into something bigger.  Right now, I'm testing the waters and I'm going to see how it goes.  I opened the shop in February and things are starting slow, but we have potential!

Some things you might notice -- Name Change? Yes!!! Don't worry, I'm still a Sunny Florida Mommy #1, my kiddos come first... but since this business is about my creations, I thought it was appropriate for a little tweak!  What else? Crochet? YEA!!  I love love love my paper crafting, scrapbooking and all those other crafts that I have been doing for years, but crochet has become a new love!!  Embrace it.  You can make soon many different things with a ball of yarn and a hook!  Don't worry, I'm planning to add some of my fun banners, bow boards, and whatever else I can crank out of this craft room in my spare time (haha) soon!  Have something you love that I've made, let me know and I'll try to add it to my shop!

I'd really love for this to grow into something.  Most of you know I left the classroom to stay home with my beautiful babies four years ago and I don't regret that change for a SECOND!  I would love to continue staying home as long as I possibly can, and while I don't see my crafts paying the mortgage anytime soon, you never know, right?!

Anyway, thanks for the support.  You can find me all over the place now... here are my links!

Etsy -
Facebook -
Instagram -  or @sunnyfloridacreations
Email -

If you're already following me on any of those forums, thank you thank you thank you!  If not, check out my goodies and let me know what you think!!

Love to you all!
Virginia - Sunny Florida Mommy of Sunny Florida Creations!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Miss K turns TWO!

Yikes!!!  Where has the last two years gone??!!  I cannot believe that just a few short days ago, my little princess turned TWO!!

Looking all adorable in her Birthday Party Dress!
Miss K had quite the "Birthday Weekend Extravaganza!" which undoubtedly makes her Aunt Mel very proud.  Nana FLEW down from Maryland to spend a long weekend with us, which in and of itself was the best birthday present for Miss K (and me!).  Nana got here pretty late on Wednesday so K didn't get to see her until first thing Thursday morning.  I had to wake her up early because we were headed to an early appointment so in her groggy state she said her usual "morning mommy," but when she finally realized that Nana was sitting at the end of her bed she woke right up, shouted "Hi NANA!" and jumped into her arms for a big giant bear hug.... so glad I got to witness that. :)

Even though her birthday wasn't until Monday, we had her party on Saturday.  We had many of our new Florida friends join us for the party and hubby's aunt even drove two hours down to enjoy the party too.  K was so excited even before the party started.  Her big treat from Mommy & Daddy was a playhouse to put on the back porch.  Daddy set it up after she went to bed Friday night and we surprised her with it Saturday morning.
Loving her new playhouse!

Her party was Zoo-themed to echo her love of animals (and the sounds they make).  Hubby made yummy chicken on the grill to go with salad and we also served "kid food" (pigs in blankets, tater tots, and mini corn-dogs).  Of course there were plenty of fruits, veggies, and chips too. :)  After was done eating, we took K out to the back porch to sing "Happy Birthday" which she LOVED, when everyone was done she clapped and blew out the candles like a pro!
Clapping after her friends sang "Happy Birthday"
Daddy enjoying his cupcake with Miss K
"YUM" face - much less messy at 2 than she was at 1!
 After cake, we let her open her presents.  She seemed to get the hang of the card thing - studying a few like they were books.  Tissue paper flew and she took out a few friends with her flying arms.  Of course she wanted to open each box and start playing then and there and she even attempted to put some of the clothes on that she got!
Friends gathered around watching Miss K open her presents
I LOVE this face!
Tissue Paper Play Break

All in all, the birthday party was a blast.  We really enjoyed celebrating the last two years with friends and even some family (although we missed the rest of you terribly!).  Miss K was successfully exhausted when the party was over and was down for a nap seconds after the last guest left.  I loved how excited she was and how much fun the kids all had playing and laughing.  Honestly I tried to soak in as much of that as I could because I know this time goes by oh-so-quickly!

By the way, I may have had a little too much fun putting together all the decorations, favors, etc... but can you blame me??!!  Below are some pictures of some of the details...
Goodie bags... All the "big kids" got a zoo animal goodie bag with a few animal fun items (bubbles, stamp, crayons, notepad, animal print bracelet) and a few tasty treats (fruit snacks and a bag of animal crackers).

I made the bags with just plain white gift bags from Michaels, and cut out the animal heads on my Cricut using the Animal Kingdom cartridge.  I didn't get a good picture of the back, but each animal has a tail attached to the back. :)

 For the babies of the bunch, they took home a little bag of cute zoo stuffed animals to play with, touch, and drool on. LOL

 I hung a banner over the gift table.  I used the Creative Memories Cricut cartridge "Traveler" for the font, the Celebrations cartridge for the pennants, and I free-handed the fringy green tops.  This was really fun to make.

 Animal cupcakes!  We had chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with green colored icing.  Nana put some fancy designs in the icing and I topped the cupcakes with these cute cupcake toppers.  Just like the goodie bags, I cut out the animal heads with my Cricut and used the "Animal Kingdom" cartridge.  Each animal head is hot-glued to a toothpick.

 This was my "Feed the Animals" game.  I painted large sides to a cardboard box to look like animal prints, and then cut out large circles (tracing a plate with razor blade - yes, I still have all my fingers in tact).  I put out little balls for the kids to "feed" the animals with.  It didn't get a whole lot of use at the party (the playhouse was the hit), but they're pretty nice, so I'm keeping them around for outside fun with friends on another day. :)

I couldn't help but add a little something to the front door, so I cut out a big #2 to hang on the door (and other for inside).  Again, I used my Cricut and used the CM "Traveler" cartridge to get my font.  I'll be saving at least one of these for the scrapbook!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Deck the Halls!

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Since getting back from our trip back home for Thanksgiving, I have been gearing up for my favorite season of the year.  CHRISTMAS!!  I've been a little bit Pinterest-obsessed these last few weeks and have attempted to make a couple of the neat ideas I have found on there (makes the time feel a little less wasted - hahaha!).  So I thought I'd share some of the decorations we've put up so far.  I still have a few more things I want to make, and some cute craft ideas to do with Miss K.  Enjoy!

Miss K's very own Nativity Set - Fisher Price Little People

Our tree

Longaberger Hurricane full of beautiful ornaments (from the Dollar Store!!)

Christmas Ball Wreath - Pinterest Inspired - I made it!  
There are SEVERAL places you can go online to find information about making these Christmas Ball Wreaths.  This is the tutorial that I used. 
Close-up of the Christmas Ball Wreath

Miss K's Christmas Tree

Backwards Advent Calendar -- Each day of December it's my goal to do something Christmas with Miss K.  Then we keep track on the "ornaments" for this tree.  It's hung up on her Creative Memories Everyday Display Board.  I'm thinking future scrapbook page for this Christmas!

Subway Art hanging in the hallway.  I found it here.

Mantel decorations - "M E R R Y" are foam letters cut out with my Cricut and hung on 3M hooks.
It's Pinterest inspired from here.

More Christmas Longaberger - Interested in purchasing your own Longaberger products?
I'm a consultant!  Feel free to place and order with me!

The other side of the fireplace.  The first time I have ever had a mantel to hang my stockings!

Hutch decorations

Beautiful *LIVE* Christmas centerpiece from Mother-in-Law.  I love it!
Managed to keep last year's alive all season... here's hoping I can do it again!

The bulletin board half is just waiting for a new picture by Miss K!

Work in progress!
Love that sign from BFF - it says "WE BELIEVE Jesus is the reason for the Season"
I've got a couple things in the works to finish this up.

Ikea lantern with rusty bell ornaments stuffed inside & my favorite Longaberger Tree Trimming basket.

Nativity Set on the bookshelf.

Cute little sign from Kirklands thanks to my BFF.  Hanging on a kitchen cabinet door.
I love decorating for Christmas and Miss K has been a great help.  I've found some fun things for us to make and even though she's still little for crafts, she does like to paint and use glue.  If anything, it will be fun to play.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 30: Christmas Season

WHEW!  30 days already?  What a great challenge.  My eyes have been really opened to just how much I have to be thankful for a daily basis.  I feel like I've only scratched the surface in the last 30 days.  God is so good.

To finish off my last "Thankfulness" post, I'm going to bring in the next season - my FAVORITE season - The Christmas season!  I am so thankful for the Christmas season.  I love the music, the lights, the presents, the family time, the decorations, my list could go on and on.  It's really easy to get swept up in all of that, I'm super guilty of it, that's for sure.  The best part about Christmas though is the reminder of Jesus' birth.  Without that, Christmas would mean nothing, as would life.  My next challenge to myself is to enjoy this Christmas season, but to also take every opportunity to remind myself of what this season really is about. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 29: Our Thanksgiving Vacation

Today as I sift through the laundry, catch up on mail, and recover from a short but oh so long flight last night, I am extremely thankful for the past week and the great time that we had with family and friends during our Thanksgiving Vacation.  Instead of a recap of words, I've put together some pictures instead.  Enjoy!!

Chuck E Cheese night with friends of mine & K's.

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Thanksgiving Dinner at my Sister's!

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Family Time with Tim's family.

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Japanese Steakhouse dinner with BFF & our families.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 28: Child Safety Items..

Had a thought yesterday about how thankful I am for K's carseat.  It makes this mommy feel a tad better about driving down the road with all the other crazies out there, knowing that she's safer in it, than without it.

So then I started looking around and kept thinking of other child safety things out there that help to keep my baby girl even just a little bit safer.  Things like plug covers, baby gates for stairs, cabinet locks, closet blocks, corner covers... even the newer designs of cribs and changing tables.  I know that they didn't have all that stuff when I was a kid - and I turned out fine contrary to popular belief ;) - but still, if someone came up with it, there was probably some kid, somewhere that taught someone that we needed safety measures in place for all those things.  Honestly, I'm not happy those kids and parents had to go through that, but I'm glad that the safety items are in place now, to help me prevent it with my little bit.